tisdag, augusti 14, 2007


D i kapellet

D i kapellet

Gick och funderade på vad det är för ackord på untitled (how does it feel), just där på "then you've already GOT me/RIGHT where you want me baby/oh, waaaa-oh ho-o".. det kändes som att det är dominantens dominant, och sen dominanten, men jag orkade inte sätta mig och planka just då, så jag googlade istället. Hittade inga ackord, men väl en asgammal Time-artikel om mannen bakom verket (tror raphael saadiq var med på ett hörn på den låten också, men jag menar d'angelo alltså):

He leaves the cafe and heads to a nearby church, Refugee Temple Assembly of Yahweh Yahoshua the Messiah. His father used to preach in this Pentecostal church. This is where D'Angelo got his start--at age 5--playing piano or organ while his father preached. He hasn't been back in ages.

D'Angelo tries the door. It's locked.

This is my ending, you think. Secular star with racy video returns to his roots only to find the church door locked. There's rich metaphorical earth here... Yes, this is the perfect finish.

The pastor of the church arrives, hugs D'Angelo and opens the door.

You make a mental note: Try to recycle closed-church ending next time you interview Whitney Houston.

D'Angelo and his crew wander inside. "It's smaller than I remember," says D'Angelo. He goes right for the piano. "It's the same one," he says happily. He sits down and starts to play. He only strokes out a few chords, just a short spell of rich, gospelly magic, but it's enough. It took a whole childhood for him to go from here to stardom, it took five years for him to finish Voodoo, it took half the day for him to get to the interview. But in a few seconds, with a few notes, he gives a glimpse of the power of his talent, its roots in the church, and all is forgiven. Some artists make music that makes them look cool; D'Angelo makes music that makes you feel cool just listening to it.

fattar ni att det är det här som är grejen eller? det är precis det här jag alltid börjar famla efter när folk frågar "jaha, men vad lyssnar du på då?": D som spelar "As the deer panteth for the water" i ett öde gospelkapell i den ruffiga änden av stan. Ja, nu vet ni iaf, så nu behöver ni inte fråga mer.

(om någon däremot vill berätta hur man fixar länkarna så att det bara står t ex länk i blått och sen är det länken, då får ni gärna det)

Now playing: D'Angelo - Africa (Acoustic)

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